100 500 1250 2000 2500
$6.63 $6.07 $5.49 $4.93 $4.37

Skoda 12 Function Pocket Knife

Product Number:   SM-9411 42424

Product Description
12 function pocket knife.
Build your brand awareness on a gadget with a million uses! Our Skoda 12 function pocket knife includes pocket knife, bottle opener, corkscrew, screwdriver, can opener, scissors, nail file, hole marker, saw, pinhole, wire cutter and file. This multifunctional appliance also includes a mini metal split key ring. Make a memorable promotional piece with a laser engraving of your company logo and let your recipients build your brand awareness!
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Enter Quantity Min Qty: 100
.5" x 1" x 3.5"
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