1008 2500
Sale 5-7 Day Production $0.20 $0.19
Catalog 5-7 Day Production $0.20 $0.19

Round Wooden Golf Pencil

Product Number:    57653

Product Description
Round wooden golf pencil without an eraser; arrives already sharpened; made in USA.
Have you gotten a-'round' to picking the next ideal promo product for your business? The round wooden golf pencil is perfect for churches, country clubs and miniature golf courses. This 3 1/4" pencil does not include an eraser and arrives already sharpened. Choose from the classic color options then have a specific message or logo imprinted on the large surface area. This American-made promo product may be tiny in size, but it's got tons of possibility!
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Enter Quantity Min Qty: 1008
Choose Imprint Method
Imprint Options
After you have placed your order please email artwork to your inside account manager and include your web order #.

If you are a new customer or don't have your account manager's email on file, send artwork to

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Single Color Multiple Colors
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