24 100 150 250 400
$30.73 $29.48 $28.24 $26.98 $24.98

Pedova iPad Stand Padfolio

Product Number:   0770-15 66887

Product Description
Padfolio with iPad stand.
Your clients will appreciate when you hand out the Pedova iPad Stand Padfolio at your next business event. This product features three pen, stylus or USB memory ports, 5 business card pockets, a receipt or memo pocket, 2 additional pen ports on padfolio cover and an 8.5" x 11" writing pad. Make the padfolio complete by including a personal message or your business or company logo. Keep your work life organized with this item.
Select Product Color
Terra Cotta
Enter Quantity Min Qty: 24
1.5" x 10.38" x 12.5"